Contact Us

Matt Levin, Executive Director: | 802-229-4281

Beverly Boget, Public Engagement Director: | 802-355-6334

Taylor Hughey, Outreach Manager: | 802-487-7708

Scroll down this page to read our mission and learn about our work.

Use the links to the right for more information on our  staff, members, and structure, including details on our collective impact framework and our statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion in our work.  

Mission and Activities


The Vermont Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance is a statewide coalition of early childhood professionals and providers, parents, organizations, and businesses working together to improve public policies that impact children from birth to age eight and families in the areas of health, safety, food security, economic security, and early care and education.

To achieve this goal, the Alliance focuses on the creation and support of an annual Legislative Agenda in the Vermont legislature. The Agenda includes priority issues for the coalition’s diverse voices from around the state.


In addition to crafting an annual Legislative Agenda, the Alliance provides year-round advocacy support and facilitates meaningful interactions with policymakers.

During the course of the year, the Alliance works to support its legislative priorities in a number of ways inside and outside the State House by: 

  • Convening and coordinating stakeholders to collaborate more effectively;
  • Mobilizing diverse constituencies to show broad support for legislative initiatives;
  • Increasing public awareness of early childhood issues across Vermont;
  • Strengthening leadership, communication, and advocacy skills of early childhood partners;
  • Providing timely updates and information to stakeholders on legislative advocacy; and
  • Engaging legislators and administration officials to ensure that our community’s voices are heard.