Fair Share for Vermont: Build a Vermont that Works for Everyone

Vermont state programs and services are chronically underfunded, due to the Governor’s Administration and Legislature focusing on the amount of revenue expected when building state budgets, instead of the needs of Vermont residents. Even as demonstrated needs are increasing, there has been no adjustment to the Vermont personal income tax rates for years. At the same time, wealth and income inequality has grown, resulting in a population of wealthy Vermonters who are able to pay significantly more in taxes than they currently are. The state must raise revenue from those who can afford to pay.

The Alliance supports Fund Vermont’s Future’s “Fair Share for Vermont” Campaign, which is advocating for a new tax bracket on annual personal income over $500,000. This tax increase would generate over $74 million annually in state revenue to improve public goods and services.

LEAD ORGANIZATION: Fund Vermont’s Future Campaign

Data and Talking Points

  • The “Fair Share for Vermont” proposal would generate over $74 million in state revenue each year.

  • The proposal is for a marginal tax, so it would only affect income over $500,000

  • The proposal would only affect the wealthiest 1% of Vermont taxpayers

  • More revenue means more money for fixing our roads and bridges, funding schools where our students can thrive, supporting Vermont families, increasing access to healthcare and housing, and protecting our environment

  • Our state’s resources are consolidated at the top. In 2022, the average income of the top 1% of income earners was 20 times as large as the average income of the bottom 99%, and twice as large as Vermont’s entire General Fund.
