Lead Organizations and Working Groups
Each issue on the Alliance’s annual Legislative Agenda has an identified Lead Organization, or in some cases, organizations, where groups elect to work together. This group(s) performs the following tasks:
- Researches, writes, submits proposal for issue to be on Alliance’s Legislative Agenda – may be done with other groups as co-leads.
- Serves as policy “expert” on the issue – gathers technical background information, provides expert/technical testimony when needed, etc.
- Provides a staff/Board leader to serve as primary contact and to head of the Issue Working Group on the issue (see below).
- Works with Alliance staff to engage stakeholders to ensure broad early childhood participation on issue.
- Advises and/or provides content for Alliance communications on the issue on a regular basis, including e-newsletter updates, webpage information, resource links, calls-to-action, Early Childhood Day at the Legislature talking points, and an end-of-session summary.
- As available and appropriate, supports/assists/leads lobbying efforts in State House.
- Assists Alliance staff in identifying, recruiting, securing testimony for committees and grassroots/grasstops engagement with legislators by Vermonters impacted by issue.
- Works with Alliance staff to consider strategy options during bill/budget consideration.
- Works with Alliance staff to make decisions during bill/budget negotiations.
- Participates in the Policy/Advocacy Committee to communicate issue status as well as be a sounding board and assist on other issues, as appropriate.
The Alliance’s Issue Working Groups (IWGs) support advisory discussions and review of each of the issues on the top tier of the Alliance’s annual Legislative Agenda. IWGs are formed in the fall, upon approval of the coming year’s Agenda. Each IWG has a convener appointed by the Executive Committee, who typically is a staff person or leader connected to the issue’s lead organization.
The Policy/Advocacy Committee (P/AC) advises the Alliance’s advocacy/lobbying team as it supports multiple legislative priorities during the legislative session.
Visit our page on the Legislative Agenda-Setting Process for more information on the Legislative Agenda setting process and the role of Lead Organizations and Issue Working Groups.