Let’s Grow Kids Launches 2020 Legislative Priorities – 1/23 Press Event
Hosted by Let’s Grow Kids
Thursday, January 23, 10:00 am, Cedar Creek Room, State House
Let’s Grow Kids will announce their 2020 Legislative Priorities at a press conference on Thursday. These priorities include investing in Vermont’s early education workforce, strengthening Vermont’s Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP), and engaging Vermont employers. Two of these issues appear on the Alliance’s 2020 Legislative Agenda. All are invited to attend the event.
Visit the Let’s Grow Kids website and the Alliance issue pages on CCFAP and strengthening the early education workforce to learn more.
Universal School Meals Campaign Garners National Attention
Last week, Hunger Free Vermont, allied groups, and key legislators gathered in the Vermont State House to launch a campaign to bring universal school meals to every public school in the state. Universal School Meals is one of the 12 issues on the Alliance’s 2020 Legislative Agenda.
At the press conference, Senator Debbie Ingram announced the introduction of S.223, which would require that all schools move to universal meals by 2025. The announcement received widespread coverage, including national attention.
Anore Horton, Executive Director of Hunger Free Vermont, summarized the group’s position, saying, “When schools offer universal school meals, student learning, behavior, and health improve. Also, relationships between school administrators and families improve. We can do this here in Vermont. It’s time for every student, in every Vermont public school to have the same opportunity to thrive with Universal School Meals.”
For more information, visit the Alliance’s issue page on Universal School Meals.
Update from the Child Development Division on STARS Changes
Over the last year or so, the Child Development Division (CDD) has been in the process of evaluating and revising the STARS system. The first round (phase 1) of changes went into effect 9/1/2019.
CDD is now in the process of considering a second phase of changes, including changes to how STARS works, and what programs need to do to achieve STARS.
For an update on this process, please consult the CDD’s STARS Evolution webpage.
CDD is also collecting questions on the proposed STARS Criteria and what clarity is needed on the criteria. You can submit input through this survey.
Become a Member of the Alliance
The Alliance’s 2020 membership cycle is now open. Our coalition of early childhood organizations, professionals and providers, parents, and employers work together to improve public policies that impact young children and families. Join or renew today!
For more information on Alliance membership, please visit the membership page on our website, or email Amy Russo-Perler at amy@vecaa.org.