Building Bright Futures: Supporting Capacity to Advise and Monitor Vermont’s Early Childhood System
Building Bright Futures (BBF) is named in state statute as the entity charged with advising the Legislature,Governor, and Administration on the well-being and needs of young children and their families. BBF’s role and utility has increased in recent years, including being named responsible for monitoring implementation, impacts, and outcomes related to Act 76. This increased role takes significant time, skill, and capacity from Building Bright Futures’ small team. Current state appropriations do not sufficiently support the ever-changing needs of the early childhood system and the increased level of responsiveness BBF’s role requires.
The Alliance supports BBF’s request for an additional $322,445 in base funding in FY26 to support monitoring, accountability, technical assistance/building state and legislative capacity, and advisement. This additional funding is necessary to support personnel, overhead, and program expenses/contracts that will support BBF’s ability to provide timely direct advisement on policy and program implementation based on the most up-to-date data and monitoring efforts.
Lead Organization: Building Bright Futures
Data and Talking Points
- BBF advised the Legislature and decision-makers more than 150 times during the 2023-2024 biennium.