Parent Child Center Network: Leveraging Tobacco Settlement Funds to Reduce Smoking Exposure for Families with Young Children.
The 15 Parent Child Centers (PCCs) that make up the Vermont PCC Network (VPCCN) currently offer a limited range of smoking and vaping cessation, health education and prevention activities as part of the eight core services funded by the State’s Integrated Grant to the VPCCN. PCCs are in a unique and strategic position to reach parents and caregivers most at risk for smoking, to reduce the number of pregnant and parenting adults who use tobacco products and to protect children from the detrimental effects of secondhand smoke. Vermont continues to have one of the nation’s highest rates of tobacco use, with over 13% of all live births affected by cigarette use in 2023. By building long term, supportive and trusting relationships with parents, and integrating enhanced smoking prevention education and cessation throughout the early childhood services, home visiting, parent education, play groups and concrete supports, PCCs can be successful where smoking cessation programs alone are not enough.
The Alliance supports VPCCN’s request to allocate $500,000 of the State’s Tobacco Settlement funds to build the capacity and reach of the 15 PCCs to provide screening, cessation program referrals, education, and prevention activities to support parents to stop smoking and vaping and maintain smoke-free homes. Allocating Tobacco Settlement funds to enhance the VPCCN’s Integrated Grant will enable PCCs to reach over 3,000 parents and 3,000 children who are currently at risk.
Lead Organization: Vermont Parent Child Center Network
Data and Talking Points
An unacceptable rate of 13.1% of all live births in 2023 were affected by cigarette use.
Parent Child Centers serve families with young children prenatal to age 8 throughout the State through the provision of eight core services which include: home visiting, early childhood education, parent education, playgroups, support groups for parents, concrete supports such as food, diapers and emergency assistance, community development and resources and referrals.
During 2024 the 15 PCC’s in Vermont served over 17,000 families around the state.
- Exposure to tobacco can cause lower birthweight, preterm delivery, higher risk for SIDS, higher risk for ear infections, lung infections and decreased lung function.